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When copying materials from website pages for online publications, a direct hyperlink open to search engines is mandatory. The link must be placed regardless of the full or partial use of the materials. The administration of the Newsyou.info Site (Editor-in-Chief, editors, authors of materials) makes every effort to provide users with accurate and reliable information, but at the same time does not reject the possibility of errors. Some links on this Site lead to resources that are located on third-party sites. These links are placed for the convenience of users and do not mean that the Site Administration approves the content of other sites. In addition, the Site Administration bears no responsibility for the availability of these resources and their content. This statement applies to all links presented on the Site and to the material of all websites accessible through banners and links. The advertiser is solely responsible for the advertisement placed on the Site. The site administration is not responsible for the content and authenticity of advertising materials posted on our site, as well as possible damage from their use.


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