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Mission statement: Helping small business owners grow their business by tapping into the small business trends and industry insights shared by fellow small business owners, experts and professionals.

forbes badgeNoobpreneur.com is an award winning small business online magazine offering tips and ideas for small business owners and those who want to enter entrepreneurship with the right mindset. Our audience is mainly small business owners and business professionals.

Starting out as a personal business blog in 2008, Noobpreneur.com has gradually evolved into a multi-authored blog. The number one benefit of having multiple authors is the many perspectives that they bring – Different people with different experiences and expertise will give you, the reader, different views on business or entrepreneurship topics. This, hopefully, will enrich you and help you in your personal and business endeavours.

If you are interested in sharing your thoughts on business and entrepreneurship, we are more than happy to welcome you! Please visit our ‘Get Published’ page to learn more.


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