Home lawn diseases Barbaraiweins.com






DA 46 / PA 42/SS 01

Have you noticed something unusual with your lawn? Worried, confused and desperately looking for answers? Well, relax and use this detailed guide to help you identify and solve the problem. However, before we dive into the most frequent lawn diseases, we should start by highlighting a few key factors.

First, you should understand that when you grow plants of the same kind together, they’re prone to the dangers of lawn disease. In most cases, you’ll probably not notice anything wrong with your lawn until it’s too late.

Secondly, understand that even when you give your lawn the best care and attention even using organic lawn fertilizer, it may still get attacked by certain ‘notorious’ diseases leading to discoloration and death. With that in mind, let’s carefully talk about the 5 lawn diseases to look out for:

Brown Patch,

Red Thread Lawn Disease,

Large Patch,

Rust Diseases,

The Summer Patch


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