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Hi I’m Victoria, a northern lass from Manchester, now living in New York. I have a Bachelors degree in Broadcast Journalism (2:1) from the University of Leeds, which has proved incredibly useful because it equipped me with the skills I need to film and edit video.

When I graduated in 2008, I wasn’t 100% sure of the direction I wanted to take, so I decided to pack my bags and travel solo around Australia in search of fun and adventure. That turned out to be the best decision I ever made because I managed to turn my passion into a career as a full time travel blogger. Since then I’ve travelled over 45 countries across the world, documenting my travels along the way.

I set up Pommie Travels in 2009 to offer useful, practical information for independent travellers and today the site is packed with over 800 posts and 40 pages! Vuelio listed my blog as one of the Top 10 UK Travel Blogs and Gap Year Escape also listed me as one of the Top 30 UK Travel.


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