Description | DA 51 | PA 55 |
SaveDelete is a blog on topics like Technology, Lifestyle Topics, Entertainment, Sports, Health & Fitness, Gaming, Gadgets, Product Reviews, SEO, Content Marketing, Blogging, Digital Marketing, WordPress, Web Hosting, How-to, Deals, Best and top lists and much more. Many changes have been made to this blog since its launch in Oct 2009. Continuing the efforts to provide the best content, we are going to focus on topics that are current and has some definite information.
This blog is managed by Jaspal Singh, who is professional blogger from Jaipur, India. He is a Mechanical Engineer with some skills of Designing & Coding. His interest in computers & the internet has made him a self-proclaimed geek. Most of the time he is found with his iMac or his MacBook Pro even when he is sleeping he keeps it close enough to grab a look whenever possible.
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